Installing Files into specific Sub-Folder

This is either a bug or feature request not sure which…

I note that when doing a deployment where you are entirely installing files, that you have no option to specify a sub-folder. Yes this option does exist in the DMT settings, however if you’re not doing a migration, this setting doesn’t apply, and the files are installed into the root database folder.

Can we have the ability to install files into a specified sub-folder ? thanks !

does this nor work, I was sure it did on an install

Yeah this doesn’t seem to have worked for me when doing straight up install, only if it’s a migration to a pre-existing version.

Hey Daniel,

The Install option John showed above should put the file into a subfolder. The only time that subfolder is ignored is if you are using the Secure Database folder. What version of OttoFMS are you running? Just ran this with OttoFMS 4.7.2 on one of my servers and it properly put it into a sub-folder. Do you see any errors in your logs?

When doing a migration we do not use that setting, it is only used when installing a file onto the server. migrations and replacements simply find the existing file on the server and put the new file in its place.


hi @kduval

Otto is 4.6.2 so I will try a newer version to see if that helps.

Nothing in the logs suggesting an error or issue installing files in a particular server and the deployment logs don’t yield any information about the folder files were installed into.

I have been able to reproduce this issue with a single test database.

Here is my deployment setup. Single file using “Install” - this file is not present on the server at all at this point.

The install options specify the additional folder 1 (which is on F drive) , and the name of the sub folder.

On the server, here is the folder in question in the additional database folder.

and upon Post Deployment the file is placed in the root database folder, and not within TableStatistics.

Let me know if there is any further information I can provide.

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Hey Daniel,

Could you DM me the troubleshooting logs for your deployment? (See here for instructions on getting these). The only thing I can think of right off the bat is that it might be because you’re installing on a different disk. I’ll have to test that and make sure that works properly.

Trying out a more recent version is a good idea, fixes for smaller bugs sometimes sneak in without making it onto the version history.


Hey y’all,

Took a look at this with Daniel, it looks like OttoDeploy is not respecting the subfolder set up in the default options. For now you’ll have to specify the subfolder in the file specific options. I’ll get a fix for this into our next version of OttoDeploy. Thanks y’all!



Hey y’all,

This issue is fixed in OttoDeploy version 2.1.0. Thank you for the report!


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