Adding a bit of color to drive usage

Would it make sense to have a default free storage threshold (based on best practices and backups) and when the % crosses the threshold the color on the disk space ring would change like Green, Yellow, Red? - Additionally when a server has more than one drives seeing a usage ring for each drive on overview page would help.

Hey Stephen,

For your first point about the colors, we’ve thought about it, but have not done so yet. I’ll make sure its defined on our list.

For the second point about multiple rings for multiple drives, that feature already exists! As long as the drive is being used for one of the FileMaker folders (database folder, external container folder, etc.) it will show up in OCC as another card with the disk details.



Tempted to disagree here.
I love the simplicity of the in interface and do not want any visual overload.
And surely the place at which ‘not enough’ space is not a constant
15% or a large hard drive may be more than ample whereas 25% on a msalle rdirve is just not too much

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