Backup to offsite

Is there a chance to put an on/off toggle on the Offsite Backup Schedule - feel like turning things off when I am away and I know there is no activity.

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Hey John,

Yes there is! I’ll get that in our next version. Thanks for the suggestion!


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Thanks, didn’t fancy deleting a schedule just to make it inactive.

You could disable the schedule in the FMS Admin console to do the same behavior as the toggle. That will prevent the schedule from running and creating the backup.


OK, hadn’t thought about that… just doing some serious testing

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When I add the toggle on OttoFMS it will be simply toggling the schedule in FileMaker, so that toggle on the admin console will get exactly what you’re looking for. Unless you’re asking for the ability to run the backups on the server but not send them to offsites but without deleting the schedule. Is that what you’re trying to do?


I think so
What we are doing with Otto things these days is not even having the Admin Console open, so mirroring the behaviour is fine.

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