Bug: Search Cmd+K Hijacked by new "Open Quickly…"

Just noticed this in OttoDeploy. The search at the top lists Cmd+K as the shortcut however it looks like FileMaker has since hijacked this shortcut for the Open Quickly feature, as when I use it I end up with a rather useless open quickly dialog rather than the beautiful ottodeploy search :slight_smile:


Well that’s annoying. :grimacing: Are you on windows or mac?

It seems to work correctly for me on Mac



Mac here. I’m having trouble reproducing it this morning. I do wonder if I had inadvertently changed to standard menu (I have a shortcut for this). It obviously opens open quickly using standard FM menus.

I did however also have other solutions open at the time, so there is still a chance it is a bug, but I’ll continue testing and trying things to see if I can reproduce. For the time being however it looks like I can’t, so don’t waste any time on it :slight_smile: