Can’t connect to OttoFMS - Access-Control-Allow-Origin?


I have problem with connecting OttoDeploy to Otto FMS.
Otto Deploy can find FileMaker Version: 21.1.1, but ca’t find Otto Version: unknown.
Screenshot attached.

Server: Mac
FileMaker Admin console: work fine
Otto FMS: web console work fine, fresh install, Allowed IPs: All
SSL: Lets Encrypt

I tried to run Otto Deploy from local machine, different server and from the same server, always the same result.
Screenshot from Otto Deploy attached

When i tried inspect element on OttoDeploy, i got this:

[Error] Access-Control-Allow-Origin cannot contain more than one origin.
[Error] Fetch API cannot load due to access control checks.
[Error] Failed to load resource: Access-Control-Allow-Origin cannot contain more than one origin. (info, line 0)
[Log] Error getting otto4 info. Attempting on port 3030 – TypeError: Load failed (file:///, line 594)
TypeError: Load failed
[Error] Failed to load resource: Could not connect to the server. (info, line 0)
[Log] Error getting otto info – TypeError: Load failed (file:///, line 594)
TypeError: Load failed

When i tried to open “https://domain/otto/api/info” i got correct result:

{"response":{"Otto":{"version":"4.7.2","build":"","themeColor":"#0a71a9","environmentTag":null,"environmentTagColor":null,"serverNickname":"","isLicenseValid":true,"isOCCConnected":false},"FileMakerServer":{"version":{"long":"21.1.1 40(10-02-2024)","short":"21.1.1","major":21,"minor":1,"patch":1},"fmsRunning":true,"serverId":"********","host":"Mac-mini.local"}},"messages":[{"code":0,"text":"ok"}]}

For other Mac server it works fine.

Do you have any idea what can be a problem?

Thank you.


Browsers and browser apps like OttoDeploy will not allow requests to a server that has more than one origin, or hostname. Something is causing that server to return two hostnames.

Here are some more questions that might help us figure out what is happening.

  • What is the difference between the two servers? Are they both using Let’s encrypt?
  • or the server that doesn’t work using the only one using Let’s encrypt?
  • How did you setup let’s encrypt for FileMaker?



I found the issue, it was on my side.
I already had in my config:

Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Origin “*”

And in otto config file as well, i just comment out my line and its working.

Thank you.

Ah thank you getting back to us. I am glad you figured it out.

Did you already have your own modifications in your Apache config file?



Yes, i already had some Apache modifications which cause the problem.
