Data API keys when moving to another box

Hi, when moving to another box that will inherit the same FQDN, is it possible to transfer the data api keys over to the new box?

My guess is that I will need to issue new keys, but since this will impact the systems that are sending payloads to the webhooks, I’m just looking for anything that would let me avoid changing the configs of all the stuff that is external.

Hi there :slight_smile:

We may at some point get around to a sort of migrate feature. But you can do it now manually.

See this thread.

Let us know if you have any questions



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The issue is that (and have just done one) the new server and old server can’t have the same FQDN at the same time??
Would live a way to pick up all the files and containers and move them to a new server before making it active… but Otto needs an SSL first, right?

if you have a wildcard cert, then you can just flip the DNS when you are ready


Absolutely - but not always possible when it’s a customer server.

But, can it just in fact be any valid SSL for this purpose?
Does it need to also be reachable externaly by FQDN from your end?

If yes, then presumably a Reply that pick everything up and moves it would work… but then the files need to be open?
As previously pointed out we cant lock the server to allow no new users before this as it will not allow the DAPI user to connect, but how about a secret switch that would do that as soon as the DAPI had connected? This is to avoid the user who really hasn’t read the email and tries to login and change something or run a script while you ar win the middle of this process…