Deploy Failed- Build server is unreachable

After our chat (thanks again btw), I re-installed the certs along with the chain certificate but still got the same error
Build server is unreachable: fetch failed: Error: unable to get local issuer certificate.

Do you think it would make a difference if I only installed the intermediate cert instead of the whole chain cert ( Filemaker seemed to accept it ok)
Would it help to see cert details?
And yes to confirm it was an internally created SSL

Hi John

Thanks for the update. Sorry, but we know for certain that OttoFMS can’t use Internal SSLs. Certs need to be from a public cert authority for OttoFMS to work. That is the problem here. There isn’t anything in the short term we can do about it.

Have a great weekend


Thanks for the confirmation Todd, I’ll reach out and see if I can get a proper Ca cert issued