Does Otto overwrite the FileMaker icon after migration?


Does Otto push the FileMaker file icon from the source file to destination? We have noticed it does not but pushes the data to the clone. We can still replace it so its not a big job but wanted to see if this can be included.



Hello Alexis,

It doesn’t really overwrite the File Icon. It overwrites the entire file. Your clones BECOME the new file. The data migration tool pushes the production data into the clones. But it doesn’t push in the file icon from production. It doesn’t consider the File Icon “data”, so it doesn’t push it.

This is unfortunate. :frowning:

There are two ways of working around this

  1. Put the file icon in dev file. This is fine if the icon is always the same.
  2. Use a separate Launcher file. The Launcher file never migrates. It is always on the production server, and all it does is open the Main file of your app and close.

That is the best we can do unless Claris updates the Data Migration tool to consider the File Icon as schema and not data.

All the best


Hi Todd,

many thanks for the clarification and suggestions. We will look at the option of including it in the dev file.

