Edit Server With New Credentials

On a server otto 3.6.4 and 4.1.1 the menu option for the server there is no option to reconnect with different credentials. Could that option be added to the “edit” option?

To clarify it’s successfully connected to 3.6.4 but I can’t switch it.

Thanks for the feedback. The current fix for this isn’t super obvious and we’re working on a way to make it better soon.

In the 3-dot menu for the server, choose the “Refresh Server Info” option and it should then detect that OttoFMS (version 4) is running on that server. At that time it will prompt you for a new API key since the Otto v3 key will no longer work.

If this is an Ottomatic server, simply contact support and our team can reconnect it for you.

Thanks for the feedback Stephen! You just want to be able to change the api key that is connected in the console without deleting the api key on Otto, correct? I’ll see what I can do!
