Error installing OttoFMS and setting up OttoFMS database


Installing OttoFMS I always receive the following error.

[[[[Tried to add another image here but as new user I am restricted to only one media item]]]].

However the OttoFMS console runs and I can register, API Keys and webhooks, BUT, the installation did not create the required objects in FM. Is that related to the error above? What should I do to have that corrected? There is no link to the help suggested.

Hello Enrique,

What is the text of the error that you’re getting on install?

As for the webhook setup, there is some manual setup you have to do in your file to make sure that the webhooks can properly work with it. Take a look at the Otto v3 webhooks docs so you can get your databases setup. Unfortunately we have not migrated the Otto v3 docs on webhooks to the OttoFMS docs, I’ll be working on that this week. There should not be any changes in the FileMaker setup from the old version.

Thank you!


Hello Enrique,

I just realized I forgot about a page in our docs!! There is a slightly easier way to set up your file now, take a look at our Webhooks guide for instructions on setting up your file and getting started with webhooks. I believe there is a great video by Todd at the end of the page too if you want a walkthrough. Thank you!


Also note that on that Guide page there is an Add-on that you can download that will install the FileMaker objects for you.

