Feature request: Install license key programmatically

I use Ansible to build and configure FM servers.

Would like to be able to install the license key through the command line or API, so it can be done automatically as part of this process.


Thank you for this suggestion. We are looking at this for the future, but you can accomplish the same thing with some scripting. The license key is stored in the ottofms/data/license.json file. Look inside one so you can see how it is written. You can place it there with your scripts, then restart OttoFMS.

That should do it.

Make sense?


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Perfect. thank you.

Once I realized I had to set permissions it all went well.

This is what I ended up with:

Portion of main.yml:

# Install or update OttoFMS
- name: Install OttoFMS
  become: yes
  become_user: root
  shell: "sudo curl -sSL 'https://appupdates.proofgeist.com/ottofms/install.sh' | bash"

- name: Install OttoFMS License Key
  become: yes
  become_user: root
    src: OttoFMS_license.j2
    dest: /opt/OttoFMS/data/license.json
  register: ottofms_license

- name: Set file permissions for OttoFMS license file
  become: yes
  become_user: root
    path: /opt/OttoFMS/data/license.json
    owner: fmserver
    group: fmsadmin
    mode: '0644'

- name: Restart OttoFMS
  become: yes
  become_user: root
  when: ottofms_license is changed
    name: ottofms-proofgeist-com
    state: restarted


"{{ ottofms_license }}"