File deselect within multi-file Deployment

The Otto Migrator had a nice feature of select/deselect files within a migration. This is really helpful for vertical solution deployments.

For each server I have 2 main deployments defined: UI, Data/Docs

The UI deployment is simply just a UI file replacement.

The Data/Docs deployment are data migrations. We limit the use of this deployment as much as we can. But when we do, we typically only need to deploy a Data file update.

OttoDeploy doesn’t let the user deselect any of the files defined as it’s predecessor did. I don’t want to have to create another deployment, for each server, in order to split the Data/Docs deployment.


Let me know if you have any questions.


Hey Jeff,

Do you envision this as toggling specific sub-deployments, specific files, or a combination of both?


Yes. Both. Remember, the Migrator provided this functionality.

Use case #1 - UI file updates - I have a deployment defined to replace 25 UI files on a server while renaming each. On occasion, we need to push 1 UI to an agency that may have a paid customization to test before will push an update to all. With Migrator, I would deselect all of the UI files assigned in the migration and select the 1 UI file to push.

Use case #2 - DATA/DOC file updates - I have a deployment defined with both DATA and DOCS files to be migrated on the target server including renaming. Considering use case 1, this migration would have 25 agency sub-deployments that include 2 files each (50 files). As before, in the migrator, I need to only deploy a new build of the DATA file and not the DOCS file. Previously, I would deselect all of the DOCS files and migrate the data only for the DATA files.

What I don’t want to do is define a single deployment for any one file to be pushed. My deployment list is already 29 records to migrate 652 files across 13 production servers.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Just to kick the dead horse on a Friday…

Here’s exactly the case to support the select/deselect of specific deployments within a main deployment…

This morning I uploaded 4 new agencies to my East1 server. After I uploaded the files from my desktop I wanted to deploy the newest file release to the 4 file sets (3 files each).

The first in the process failed to fetch the build.

The second successfully fetched the build (it’s the same build the first failed to pull). The second, third and forth deployments continued and completed. The first failed.

If I could select to only re-run the first, I could leave the deployment description the same without deleted the sub-deployments.

I chose to UNDO the 3 successful deployments and re-ran the full deployment. This time all deployments completed successfully.

Happy Friday!

Thanks for the example Jeff, it helps put the use case in perspective.

This is definitely something we’re planning on doing, we’ll keep y’all updated on the progress!


Hey Jeff,

OttoDeploy version 1.1.0 has added the ability to select specific sub-deployments or files to run as part of a larger deployment! Let us know if it looks like what you were looking for.


THANK YOU!!! I will test it out.

This works great! Thank you.

One request, can you add a select all/none check on the main deployment? You have this on each sub-deployment, and it would be handy to have on the main.

In my use case, I have between 6-33 sub-deployments defined on the server. On one of the 24 sub-deployment servers, I push an update to ONE of the subs. This required me to manually deselect the other 23. It would be nice to deselect all and select the one I need to push.

Make sense?


Yes it does

Thanks Jeff
