How to install OttoReceiver.addon in Windows?

Any idea how to install an .fmaddon file in a Windows environment? Trying to get the new OttoReceiver package working but manually installing the .addon into the /AppData/Local/FileMaker/Extensions folder does nothing and following the instructions here by double clicking the .addon file and trying to open it with FileMaker results in a ‘The translator for this file format could not be found or could not be initialized’’ error.

Hmm, Double clicking is supposed to work on windows

But you can install it manually. I don’t have a windows machine handy to look at the exact path, but on mac it is

/Library/Application\ Support/FileMaker/Extensions/AddonModules

It should be in the same general vicinity as where plugins go.

Put the file in there, then quit and reopen FileMaker.


In my Windows version, there was no file association for the .fmaddon file type, so I just chose FileMaker…not sure if that’s what I should have done, but since Windows didn’t know how to handle it that’s what I did.

As far as the manual installation, I installed to %localappdata%\FileMaker\Extensions\AddonModules which sounds like the right directory. I’ve restarted, but when I go to the addon tab, I only see the default Filemaker addons.

NM, I had my Mac handy and installing it via macOS worked fine.

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