Issue with not seeing subfolders in alternative location

Win server, Otto 4.1.0, AWS instance with mapped external drives.

Going to upload a file, and it can successfully let me choose the Alternative Folder 1 as the target for the upload, but the subfolder dropdown is not reading the list of subfolders that are in the screenshot, those are the subfolders in the …/Data/Databases location

Screenshot 2024-02-15 at 15.05.11

@kduval any progress on a fix for this Kyle??

Hey John,

Sorry for the lack of response! I’ve got this on my list, its likely going to be included in version 4.1.1 (the version after the one we’re releasing in the next day or two). Thanks for checking in!


Hey John,

This fix was included in version 4.1.1 which was just released! Thanks for the report.
