The clone file is not encrypted.
Clone: /opt/FileMaker/FileMaker Server/Data/Backups/OttoFMS/inbox/Marva Standard 3.4.0/MARVA.fmp12
migrating - Command failed with exit code 5: /opt/FileMaker/FileMaker Server/Database Server/bin/FMDataMigration -src_path /opt/FileMaker/FileMaker Server/Data/Databases/MARVA_LIT/MARVA_LIT.fmp12 -src_account **** -src_pwd *** -clone_path /opt/FileMaker/FileMaker Server/Data/Backups/OttoFMS/inbox/Marva Standard 3.4.0/MARVA.fmp12 -clone_account **** -clone_pwd *** -target_path /opt/FileMaker/FileMaker Server/Data/Backups/OttoFMS/inbox/Marva Standard 3.4.0/MARVA_LIT_otto_migrated.fmp12 -src_key *** -target_locale German -ignore_valuelists -force
The clone file is not encrypted.
Clone: /opt/FileMaker/FileMaker Server/Data/Backups/OttoFMS/inbox/Marva Standard 3.4.0/MARVA.fmp12
That is a limitation of the Data Migration Tool. Both files need to be encrypted or both files need to be unencrypted. That is the way it is always been.
FileMaker server 20.3 now includes the FileMaker Developer Tool cli, which means we will be able to do this for 20.3 and later but we haven’t implemented that yet. For now the same rules that have always applied still apply; both files need to be encrypted or both files need to be unencrypted.
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Ahh, thanks. Used it for years but never noticed that until now.