Migration Failures

Tried to copy a few files between servers:

Tried a few times.

building	Build server is unreachable: HTTP error: 502 - Bad Gateway

|fetching|downloading source zip archive failed. Error: end of central directory record signature not found|
|post-deployment steps|Just in time build failed to delete on source server|


We just found this on one other server as well. We are looking into it.




Can you look in your source file server’s out box for the Build Zip files?
TG2023-12-19 at 15.41.42

Are they there? What do you see?

Also what versions of FMS ? and what OS?



The server is Windows, FMS 20.1.3 not sure where is the path.

i found it - i see out box with folders but they are empty.

We just shipped Beta 16. We fixed something that might fix the problem, but we aren’t sure yet.

If it doesn’t work Can you send the JSON for the deployment? It will have credentials in it. So you will want to mask those. Sorry about that.

If this tricky problem remains it will be helpful to gather as much info on it as we can.

Thanks again


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deployment11.zip (2.5 KB)
Here’s my deployment that fails with error:

DeploymentError: FETCH_FAILED - downloading source zip archive failed. Error: end of central directory record signature not found

Dest Server:
“FMSInfo”: {
“version”: “20.3.1 31(10-13-2023)”,
“serverId”: “CF23DEA11C1340FE7293A0DD83E10605C25D1390A7660C9077E7262A6B3E727E”
“ottoVersion”: “4.0.1-beta.16”

In the Inbox on dest server, there is a build folder with a build_randomID.build.zip file inside. If I download this file using the file manager and unzip it locally, it appears correct.

the JIT is deleting the files they were there but poof disappeared - seems to be on INSTALL vs migration

the xxxfile.build never turned in to a .zip the manifest disappeared then a few moments later they all did.

complete removal and re-installation / with reboots between on destination server the JSON file just has a list of files not much in there to see, It seems to fully fail on Install vs migration, errors are the same

building Build server is unreachable: HTTP error: 502 - Bad Gateway

I suspect that the Unzip is failing for some reason.

Can either of you do any deployments using these servers? Maybe just with an other file set? I wonder if it is related to the server or the files?


@OceanWest @eric.luce this issue was fixed with version beta.19!!