When we use Migrator 2.3.0 some of the scripts are missing and some of the field mappings are wrong
This file should be renewed very often in the coming period.
After a migration, some scripts in the Perform Script step are missing or they refer to the wrong script in the other related hosted file.
Also, some fields are mapped incorrectly and those are also field references to that other related file on the server.
The script names are the same and also the occurrence names and field names are exactly the same.
When I copy and paste the entire script from the development file into the production file it goes all right.
Where could the error be located?
This forum is for OttoFMS and OttoDeploy. Migrator.fmp12 and Otto 3 are different products. You can email support if you need more help with those.
But I can tell you that the Data Migration process doesn’t import or change parts of a file. Only the whole file. Your clone becomes the new File, and the data is moved into it. So it can’t really import parts of your file or break field mapping etc. It isn’t patching your files. It is replacing them.
If you have more than one file in your solution, you may have differences between your production and development versions of one of the files. If you do and migrated just one of the files, then what you describe could happen.