Otto Reports Migration Successful Even Though Post Migration Script Fails

When running a migration the OttoFMS console reports that the migration is successful even though the ‘post-deployment script’ fails with Error: 10906.

Hey Gabe,

Did you enable the “Revert deployment on script fail” option when creating your deployment? OttoFMS does not treat the post-deployment script as an essential part of the deployment unless that option is enabled. This is in case you’re doing a small data cleanup task or something in your post-deployment script that does not necessarily need to dictate the success of the deployment as a whole.

It is possible that we could still call the deployment successful in this case, but maybe add a warning flag or something similar. There are a few cases where it would be nice to be able to throw a flag on a deployment without completely failing it.

In your situation do you need the deployment to revert your files if the script fails or would you prefer just a warning visible from outside of the deployment detail view?


Hi Kyle, thank’s for the quick response. The deployment isn’t set to not revert the deployment on Post Processing script failure, so I suppose that does make sense. I do this as it is always possible to run the post deployment manualy after a migration.

It would be useful to know when this has happened without having to check the log. I think it would be useful if it said migration successful, but with errors…



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Hey Gabe,

In OttoFMS 4.7.0, Deployments that have errors which do not cause the deployment to fail will now have a fun lil warning icon on the deployments list (and the badge for the status will be yellow) like this:
CleanShot 2024-09-24 at 14.33.35

This will be extended a bit going forward to include some other types of warnings that could happen. Thanks again for the suggestion!
