OttoDeploy is Unable to do a Migrate Update to Duplicated File Created in Prior Sub-Deployment

In Otto Deploy 2.1.0, using OttoFMS 4.9.0, if a file is created by duplicating from another file as the first sub-deployment, it is not possible to migrate an update to this new file in a subsequent sub-deployment.

So prior to the update the server contains a single file say “Client - Live”, prior to a release I would like to make a copy of the live file with the latest data from production called “Client - Testing”. Then to do a migration from the latest release over the top of that file we/the client can test the latest release on their system.

Once the testing window is complete, we migrate the changes to the live file and remove the file “Client - Testing”.

Otto deploy will show an error and not allows the deployment to be processed as it says that it “Cannot migrate onto a non-existent file”. As a result this must be set up as two separate migrations, which can become cumbersome with a large number of clients.

I understand that error as at that moment the target file doesn’t but exist, but it seems like OttoDeploy should be able to know that the file will be created in a previous deployment.

I feel like this behaviour used to work in a previous version, but I can’t exactly remember.

Hey Gabe,

That should work, there must be a bug in the OttoDeploy UI logic. I’ll take a look and get a fix into the next version. Thanks for the report!
