OttoDeploy Opens (mostly) offscreen

New installation for an old client on a new machine of OttoFMS, then we go to open OttoDeploy, so we can start doing the things, And it opens with the lower left hand corner visible, and the status bar is completely above the screen. Almost as if the last time the original file was worked on, someone had it centered on a VERY large screen, instead of nicely placed at 0.0.

Anyway, I’ve never seen this before, and thought I would report it. Note that the Remote Desktop we are connecting to has a restricted resolution (probably 1920x1080, and there is some Citrix involved. --Don’t ask me how involved because my account isn’t set up yet so I was guiding another Administrator through the set up process.

We were able to force the OttoDeploy window down, but still…

Thanks for the report Fred! We have this on our list to fix with our next FileMaker upgrade of OttoDeploy.


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