OttoFMS works with FileMaker Server 24

Hi everyone,

Just a note to say that OttoFMS works with FileMaker Server 24.

Which is actually version number 21.0.





Yup, works. :slight_smile:
Installed it on the dev server. Do you think it’s OK to deploy still using 20 on the prod server? In Otto 3 this used to be an issue.

Hey Peter,

It should be fine

In the old days of Otto 3 we had to manage the installation and versioning of the DataMigration Tool. That made things a bit tricky to mix versions. But we don’t have to worry about that any more.



Morning Todd,
That’s great to read. It allows us again to use dev as a testing environment for new versions, and not take any risks with those on prod.
Have an excellent weekend — peter

I should say that we may release new features that will require both severs to be on the same version of OttoFMS, or may work with specific versions of FileMaker Server, if there are new features on the server that we are leveraging. But the existing features shouldn’t break

