Ok I am going to add this to the docs but here is an example file. It has some scripts that You can use as a model for how to tell OttoFMS that your script is done.
Thanks for the quick response. I added the script from your example file, and it’s working as expected now.
Thank you also for the great tool and for making it available to the community for free.
In case anyone else is reading this and is wondering what happens to the “otto-pms-result.txt” file that the post deployment script creates in the Documents folder, OttoFMS seems to remove it automatically.
Thanks for asking this… just ran into the same thing, and was able to resolve it with this info.
Minor issue…the Raycast snippet isn’t working for me. I have other Raycast FM snippets that work. This one copies, but won’t paste into my script workspace.
Got it working by just manually adding the script steps outlined in that support doc.
Are you trying to paste it directly into the body of a script or into the sidebar on the left? It works for me if I paste it right into the list of scripts on the left side of the workspace.
Kyle, yes, that worked. I guess I missed that the snippet was example scripts, not script steps. I think the example right above the snippet link threw me.