Simply deploy fails

I’m trying to move files from Host A to Host B. OttoDeploy is on Host B (the destination) and when I try to run, it fails. Network should be fine from both hosts for https. Deployment is a simple install, no special options.

Have you tried it with just one fie and not 99 first off??

Same with just one file. FWIW, all the files are pretty small.

Hi Andy

That error usually means exactly what it says. The build server is not available from the destination server. Timeout means it looked for the server, and couldn’t find it.

I would test the network between the two. You can use a browser to on the Destination server to load OttoFMS web console on the Build server.

You can also use the developer API to test this.

Give those a try and let us know what you find



Looks like my EC2 instance needed a tweak on the security group after the FMS/Otto install, it indeed could not connect externally… Added outbound rules for 80/443 and all is good.

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