Within the options for a sub deployment, when attempting to add a slack notification (clicking the ‘add new’ button) the window goes white and you have to reload the webviewer (cmd + R) which takes you back to the deployment list.
This is possibly a data issue as the App HTML was compared to a fresh version and it was the same as the one this bug is happening in. Also, the fresh version of ottoDeploy doesn’t have this issue.
Also worth noting that this issue affects multiple deployments - not just a single one (tested on 3 separate deployments, one of which was new).
Usually that is a data issue, where the data we get from FileMaker is somehow mismatched with what we expect it to contain. To fix it you could delete the deployments and recreate them, as they should be created with the proper structure. For the Slack issue, that is likely coming from some sort of error with the data in the settings table, you could clear the values from the settings table and add your Slack notifications back to get that working.
We have had a couple reports of similar things with the Slack notifications, I’ll investigate on our side and make that a bit hardier so that it won’t happen again in the future.
I was able to fix this issue (and replicate reliably in the process). In the OttoDeploy Settings, adding a Notification Setting that has the same label as an already existing Notification causes the blank screen when trying to setup the notification on any deployments until the duplicate label entry is removed.
Thanks for the information James! I’ll see if I can’t get a fix in for that. @werdna do you have two notification settings with duplicate labels like James describes?